Dim Gate is a Location in Mortal Shell. The inscrutable geometry belies the architect's will. Wrought from obsidianite, impossible fragments float untethered from reality. Each step beneath the fractured vista reveals the sublime truth of madness.


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Full Dim Gate Walkthrough

Go up the stairs. Before you go inside, explore the right area to find 1x Ornate Token.

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Head inside, there are 2x Sester of the Order and 2x Sublime Sester waiting for you. Try to deal with the ranged ones first. You can use your kick to throw them over the edge.

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You'll face 1x Sublime Brether and 1x Brether of Synod. After you defeat them, loot the left area to find 1x Bag of Tar.

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Continue ahead. You'll notice 1x Faceless Clerik on each side. Defeat them and on the right side of the room you'll find Sester Genessa.

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Explore the right side of the room (Where Sester Genessa is) and you'll find 1x Mortal Token and 1x Glimpse of Futility.

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On the left side of the room you'll find a Weltcap spawn (near the middle). And on the corner, the “We no longer remember our name” inscription.

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Head back to the middle area and head into the stairs. You'll have to defeat 1x Sublime Brether and 1x Brether of Synod. You can also find 1x Scripture of Defiance.

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Go up the stairs, you'll find 2x Sester of the Order and 2x Sublime Sester. You can pick up x1 Scripture of Euphoria behind the statue.

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Go up using the stairs. You'll find 1x Slurry of Tar and 1x Sublime Sester along the way. You can use your kick to quickly dispatch her.

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Keep going up until you reach the upper level. You'll find a small room with 1x Sester of the Order and 1x Sublime Sester.

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Continue ahead and you'll reach a big circular room with 2x Obsidian Wraith, 2x Brether of Synod and 1x Faceless Clerik. Try to lure them one by one so you don't get overwhelmed. You can pick up 1x Tainted Nektar from the urn located behind the Faceless Clerik.

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On the other side of the room you'll find a torch. Activate the torch to acquire 1x Remnant of Tar, 1x Scripture of Ardor and 1x Glimpse of Disdain. Be careful, as 3x Obsidian Wraith will spawn when you activate the lever.

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Pick up 1x Scripture of Ardor. Behind the torch you can find 2x Sester of the Order and 1x Faceless Clerik. Defeat them and step outside the window located on the right, you can find 1x Glimpse of Affection on the edge.

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Go back to the circular room and go through the door located on the right. Inside, you'll find 1x Sester of the Order and 1x Sublime Sester. There's another 1x Sublime Sester on the upper level, you can use the Ballistazooka to get rid of her.

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Go up the stairs and once you reach the upper level you can find 1x Congealed Tar. Go inside the room. There's 2x Sublime Sester inside. Once you defeat them you will also find a Weltcap Spawn.

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Go up the ramp on the left. Before climbing the stairs, you can drop left to pick up 1x Golden Bell.

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Go up and fight 2x Sester of the Order and 2x Sublime Sester. On the right side of the room you can pick up 1x Glimpse of Wisdom.

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There's a teleporter on each side. Use the teleporter on the left side. Pick up 1x Glimpse of Wisdom and step on top of the golden switch to activate the elevator leading back to the entrance of the Dim Gate where Sester Genessa is.

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Go back up the elevator and use the nearby teleporter. Head around the nearby hole on your left to use yet another teleporter on the opposite side. After teleporting, step out of the teleporter and look behind it to find 1x Untarnished Mask. Head back around the teleporter toward the squarish opening to find a ramp heading down.

NOTE: Unless you have the Recollection of Knowledge ability unlocked, you won't be able to survive going back after acquiring the item

Head down the ramp and once you reach the bottom jump to the square platforms. Keep jumping down until you reach the teleporter. Take the teleporter to find a chest with 1x Quenching Acid inside. 

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From here you can jump down, using your stone form to survive the fall. Backtrack by heading left toward the circular room.  Take the doorway on the right and keep heading upwards to the top of the stairs until you once again arrive at the room with grates covering the holes in the floor. Go left and head up the ramp leading to a set of stairs. Turn around at the top of the stairs to find the teleporters we previously used, one on the left and one of the right.  Take the teleporter on the left.


After taking the teleporter, you'll find you're back at the elevator.  Go around the structure on your right, defeat 1x Obsidian Wraith and follow the path. You'll fight 1x Brether of Synod. Behind him you can find a chest with 1x Large Bolt and 1x Bronze Bell inside.

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Cross the door, you'll fight 1x Sublime Brether. There's also 1x Faceless Clerik patrolling and 1x Sester of the Order and 1x Sublime Sester on the left wall.

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Head to the middle of the room. You'll find 1x Sublime Brether and 1x Brether of Synod. Defeat them and pick up 1x Scripture of Euphoria.

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Continue straight and defeat 1x Faceless Clerik, 1x Sester of the Order and 1x Sublime Sester.

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On the right platform, you'll find Brether Corvid. If you speak to him while using the Eredrim Shell you'll be given the option to kick him off. If you do, you'll acquire 1x Glimpse of Cowardice.

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Head back to the middle and continue ahead using the path on your right. Defeat 1x Sublime Sester, 2x Sester of the Order and 1x Faceless Clerik. You can pick up 1x Etherial Diapason on the edge.

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Keep going and you'll now fight 1x Brether of Synod and 1x Sublime Brether. Go on and on the next platform you'll also fight 4x Sester of the Order.

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Go up using the ramp. There's 1x Faceless Clerik, 1x Sester of the Order and 1x Sublime Sester on top of the structure. You can use the Ballistazooka to get rid of the Sublime Sesters and pick up 1x Bag of Tar.

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Before heading up, look down and you'll spot a ramp heading below the structure. Follow it to acquire 1x Quenching Acid.

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Head up using the ramp. Once on top, you'll have to fight 2x Sester of the Order and 2x Sublime Sester. There's a Weltcap Spawn on the ground.

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Go on and you'll see 1x Sester of the Order and 1x Sublime Sester. After you defeat them drop to the middle to acquire 1xEffigy of Solomon

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 Continue ahead until you find 1x Faceless Clerik. Defeat him and you'll reach the Shifting Archives

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Trivia & Notes:

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    • There is an item that is technically in the Eternal Narthex but only becomes visible once you reach the Dim Gate. It can be seen from 2 locations, the first being: go down the stairs 1 level from Dim Gate to Eternal Narthex, turn left towards the teleporter near the Bronze Bell then look up. A teleporter and item can be seen. It can be viewed better once you progress further through the Dim Gate, in the room with the Lever that gives you a Glimpse of Disdain. Continue to the left-hand window at the end of the room and look down (not straight down) and you can see the mentioned teleporter and item.

      Anyone know how to reach these? I have played this game for many hours and only just noticed this.

      • On the platform below the two teleporters. (the one with the grates) there is a ledge on the right side (if ascending far if descending) walk out onto the ledge and you will see a teleporter below. Inside the Chest, I found a baguette and a glimpse of disdain

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