Obsidian Wraith is a hostile Enemy in Mortal ShellObsidian Wraith can be found at Eternal NarthexDim Gate and Shifting Archives. Players can confront Enemies to obtain Tar, Glimpses and Consumables.


Obsidian Wraith Enemy Description

  • A ghost dressed in a red tunic. They can use magic to attack their enemies.


Obsidian Wraith Combat Information

  • They have low health and can be easily staggered. They usually appear in groups.
  • They can vanish and then re-appear from below dealing damage.
  • They use magic to cast stone blocks in front of them. The rocks will deal damage and stagger you. You can use your Hardening to avoid the damage, but if you remove the Hardening before the rocks vanish, you will still take the damage and fall to the ground.
  • When confronted melee, they will use their claws to strike you.
  • The best way to deal with them is by keeping up the pressure. They have low health and most attacks will stagger them. Stay close to them and kill them fast before they have a chance to respond.


Obsidian Wraith Location


Obsidian Wraith Drops


Obsidian Wraith Notes & Tips

  • ??
  • Other notes



Acolyte of Ash  ♦  Acolyte of Ignis  ♦  Ashen Wraith  ♦  Blazing Herald  ♦  Brether of Synod  ♦  Brigand  ♦  Brigand Ranger  ♦  Brosca  ♦  Crypt Wraith  ♦  Enslaved Disciple  ♦  Faceless Clerik  ♦  Gragu  ♦  Herald of Faith  ♦  Nocteserper  ♦  Sester of the Order  ♦  Slave of Scorn  ♦  Stone Slinger  ♦  Sturdyman  ♦  Sublime Brether  ♦  Sublime Sester  ♦  Unburning Flesh

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