
 Displays the amount of Health that our character has
 Type Stat

Durability is a Stat in Mortal Shell. Durability displays the amount of Health that our character has. It's represented by a red bar on the bottom left part of the screen. 


Durability Information

  • Durability is displayed as a red bar on the bottom left part of the screen.
  • The amount of Health depends on the Shell the player is currently using. While in the Foundling form players will only have 1 Health.
  • While using a Shell, if your health reach 0 the Foundling will be expelled from the shell.
  • Players will be able to either fight as the Foundling or come back to the shell (If the shell drops to 0 health again, you will die and return to the last checkpoint)


How to increase Durability:.

  • Durability depends on the Shell that you are currently using.
  • Eredrim is the most durable Shell and the one with most Health.


How to Recover Health:


Notes and Tips:

  • ??
  • ??



Hardening  ♦  Resolve  ♦  Stamina

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