Accretion of Foresight (Solomon)

accretion of foresight abilities salomon mortal shell wiki guide 250px
Effect Solomon becomes familiar with items more quickly and gains a glimpse on reading lore for the first time.
Shell Solomon

Accretion of Foresight (Solomon) is one of Solomon Shell Abilities in Mortal Shell. Accretion of Foresight (Solomon) provides: "Solomon becomes familiar with items more quickly and gains a glimpse on reading lore for the first time." and requires 1100 Tar and 8 Glimpses to be unlocked.


How could this be a story of a man with my name? He bears the same scars. Shares in the same desires. Even finds the same tablet. Can it be called a history if it's written by a being that sees the future as readily as the past?.


Accretion of Foresight (Solomon) Effect

  • Solomon becomes familiar with items more quickly and gains a glimpse on reading lore for the first time.


How to unlock Accretion of Foresight (Solomon)

  • You will first need to find the Solomon shell and discover its name.
  • Talk to Sester Genessa and use 1100 tar icon mortal shell wiki guide 25px and 8 glimpse icon mortal shell wiki guide 25px to unlock it.


Accretion of Foresight (Solomon) Notes and Tips

  • Solomon gains twice as much familiarity as other shells once this ability is acquired, e.g. the lute will reach max familiarity after five uses (rather than ten) and the baguette in one use (rather than two). This can be useful for saving you time and tar when going for the Bars Tended trophy for reaching max familiarity with the game's default items. 
  • Solomon gains a glimpse whenever he interacts with a stone tablet using "Read Inscription" for the first time. May require area transition to take effect and may backdate to credit you with glimpses for previously found lore (requires further testing).   





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